第三方的 YouTube apps 連結
AdGuard 知識庫關於 YouTube app 已是過時的資料。 https://kb.adguard.com/en/android/solving-problems/youtube-ads 資料來源參考自 https://tinyurl.com/y4xmbvrq Android: 1. OGYouTube https://goo.gl/bwWx22 2. iYTBP https://tinyurl.com/y9zgcdde 3. YouTube Vanced https://tinyurl.com/y7fexex5 4. NewPipe https://newpipe.schabi.org/ 5. Videoder https://www.videoder.com/ iOS: 1. YouTube++ https://iosninja.io/ipa-library/download-youtube-plus-ipa-ios 2. Cercube https://cercube.com/ https://iosninja.io/ipa-library/download-cercube-4-ipa-ios 由於 iOS 不像 Android 般可自由安裝應用程式,即便無須越獄便可用 MDM 方式安裝這些未在 App Store 上架的 Apps, 但 MDM 會給予這些 Apps 過高的權限,安全性風險須自負。 若不越獄,需自學怎麼使用 Cydia Impactor。 Cydia Impactor Guide How to install YouTube++ with Cydia Impactor: Step 1: Download the YouTube++ IPA file onto your computer. Step 2: Download Cydia Impactor from here. http://www.cydiaimpactor.com/ Step 3: Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable. Step 4: Open Cydia Impactor. Step 5: Drag and...